Legal Notice
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH (hereinafter “Investment Partners”) is a limited liability company under German law with headquarters in Munich, Germany. It is listed in the commercial register for the Munich district court under the number HRB 122560. The relevant supervisory authorities are the German Central Bank, Munich branch, Leopoldstraße 234, 80807 München and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28,60439 Frankfurt.
The following are the members of the Executive Board (Geschäftsführerversammlung):
Michael Brückner, Dr. Frank Döberlein, Michael Ege, Dr. Steffen Hörter
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH
Königinstrasse 107
80802 München
Germany +49 (89) 38 91-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 39 90 56
Terms of Use
1. Scope of validity
These terms of use apply in their latest amended version for the use of the website accessible at the URL (hereinafter the "IPW").
Furthermore, they also apply in analogous application to publications of Investment Partners on social media platforms.
2. Information for professional investors
The content of IPW are aimed at Professional Customers and Eligible Counterparties only. The information does not account for the legal requirements on presenting information for retail investors and is not meant for retail investors.
3 Available information
3.1 Correctness, completeness and current validity
The information on IPW is carefully researched and updated regularly, however mistakes cannot be entirely ruled out. The facts and data upon which the information is based may be subject to change. Furthermore, Investment Partners is reliant on information and data from third parties, so it cannot guarantee or accept any liability for the correctness, completeness or current validity of any information on IPW. This also applies to information on websites linked to IPW or connected to it in any other way.
3.2 Legal and tax aspect
Where applicable, the information is based on Investment Partners' assessment of the current legal and/or tax situation and Investment Partners cannot guarantee its the correctness. Other information is merely a generalised observation without including any individually relevant aspects. Hence, the IPW contains no legal or tax-related advice. The information it contains is no substitute for individualised advisory services as provided by a legal or tax consultant, and we explicitly recommend such services to the user.
3.3 No Warranty and no liability
The IPW reflects Investment Partners’ current opinion. Forecasts and expectations expressed are subject to risks and uncertainties, so the actual performances can vary significantly from the expectations and assumptions. Investment Partners reserves the right to change its assessments and is not obliged to update such information.
No information on IPW is intended as an offer or invitation to buy or sell financial instruments, or as investment advice, an investment recommendation, financial analysis or rating; it is purely for informational purposes. You accept that all information provided to you on IPW is provided for information purposes only and is not binding. Investment Partners is not liable for loss or damage of any type, including atypical, indirect or consequential loss or damage, to the extent that this loss or damage is based on or is related to visiting IPW, its use or service. Liability shall be excluded even if there was explicit information pointing out the possibility of these types of damage. Furthermore, Investment Partners shall not be liable for failures in encryption technology or in the electronic transfer of information.
4. Linked websites
IPW may contain references or links to other websites. Investment Partners inspects other websites before setting the initial link, but does not review linked websites continuously. It has no influence on the further structure or on the content of the linked website and does not adopt it as its own. It can therefore not accept any liability for the content of such websites.
5. Availability of IPW; amendments
Uninterrupted availability of IPW cannot be guaranteed. Investment Partners reserves the right to restrict the availability of IPW to any extent at any time or to permanently remove IPW from the internet. Investment Partners has the right to make amendments of any kind to IPW and the information it contains at any time at its own discretion.
6. Property rights
6.1 Copyright
IPW, its component parts and the content available on it are subject to protection by copyright law: in as much as these parts are works, protection under §§ 2 ff of the German Copyright Act (UrhG), in as much as they are computer programs, protection under §§ 69a ff. UrhG and in as much as they are a database, protection under §§ 87a ff. UrhG. All rights thereto belong to Investment Partners or the applicable holder of the rights. Any use of these elements that goes beyond accessing the website and taking note of the information it holds that is not explicitly permitted by law requires prior written consent from Investment Partners. This applies in particular to copies made for commercial purposes.
6.2 Brand names and other trademarks
Brands, company names, logos and product names appearing on IPW website shall be deemed protected. These brands, company names, logos and product names may only be used with the prior written consent of Investment Partners or the applicable rights holder.
7. Country restrictions
The content of IPW is only intended for users to which/whom no restrictions apply in accordance with the following.
The dissemination of information contained on IPW are subject to legal restrictions in some legal systems. For persons whose place of residence or business is in a country that restricts the dissemination of this information, the contents of this website not intended.
8. Disclaimer of liability
Any disclaimer of liability above does not apply in the case of intent or gross negligence.
9. Applicable law; authoritative language version
In as much as legally admissible, only the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to all disputes arising in connection with IPW or these terms of use, irrespective of the legal grounds, however under preclusion of all legal norms that refer to another legal system. These terms of use shall also be interpreted in accordance with German law.
(Last update: August 2021)