© Munich Re Investment Partners

Solutions for climate-committed asset owners

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    Our Philosophy

    We are convinced that investors have a significant role to contribute to climate mitigation. In our view, in a world that needs to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions, it takes forward-looking, market-based investment solutions to keep global warming in check.

    Munich Re Investment Partners considers investments holistically. Contributions to real world economy climate transition, effective carbon mitigation and financial performance is at the core of what we aim to provide to investors. Through such innovative investment solutions we aim to balance relevant goals to achieve optimal portfolio outcomes. Our ultimate investment objective is to contribute to carbon mitigation and higher risk-adjusted returns through a rigorous and disciplined investment approach. 

    We believe that it takes the right investment mindset, skills, and culture to deliver the best portfolio results and client experience. Ultimately, it’s the sustainability and climate conviction which is deeply embedded in Munich Re Investment Partners’ corporate values as well as the investment drive and expertise of our people that makes the difference to the benefit of our clients. We take strong care that, as an innovative climate investment manager, we continuously live up to this spirit.

    For us, acting responsibly means creating added value.

    Photo of CEO Michael Brückner
    © Munich Re / Myrzik und Jarisch
    We believe in the power of financial and carbon markets to capitalise opportunities arising from climate transition.
    Michael Brückner
    Member of the Board

    Company Spirit

    Photo of CEO Dr. Steffen Hörter
    Munich Re Investment Partners is a specialized investment boutique that delivers innovative solutions for climate-committed institutional asset owners globally. Our objective is to enable investors to achieve a positive environmental impact, diversify their portfolios, and improve investment outcomes.
    Dr. Steffen Hörter
    Member of the Board

    Munich Re Group established Munich Re Investment Partners as a specialist boutique asset manager focused on market-driven investment solutions for climate-committed institutional asset owners. Our goal is to deliver financial performance and contribute to climate mitigation through innovative investment solutions.

    We capitalise the vast climate know-how of Munich Re through a continuous dialogue between climate, risk and investment experts. Our investment solutions give outside investors the opportunity to benefit from this expertise.

    We bring conviction and skills to climate investing. Our team combines investment expertise and sustainability proficiency, drawn from all relevant areas of practice, to provide a distinctive competitive edge in climate investing. As a single investment team, we ensure a consistent investment approach through a disciplined investment approach.

    To underscore our conviction and commitment to climate investing, Munich Re Investment Partners has joined the UN Principles for Responsible Investing and the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative. We embrace the Group’s sustainability ambitions and live up to these principles in our function as an investment manager.

    Our Legacy

    Munich Re Group has a long history of sustainability engagement. Since 1973, Munich Re Group has raised awareness for climate change through its analyses and research. Global warming, changing weather patterns, and natural catastrophes affect every market participant. Munich Re Group solutions ever since helped to effectively cope with the financial consequences of natural disasters. Addressing complex climate risks means being able to understand long term effects and drivers through collecting and managing large amounts of data and expertise to measure and evaluate these impacts. Since 2008, Munich Re Group has a holistic climate strategy in place, which continuously evolves. As our corporate responsibility, we have ambitious climate goals for all liabilities, assets and operations, confirmed by the Munich Re Group Ambition 2025.

    “With our Munich Re Group Ambition 2025, we’ve created a strategy that is uniform across the Group – spanning reinsurance, primary insurance and asset management. We have committed ourselves to ambitious financial targets, and we will continue adding value for our shareholders, clients, staff and communities. The Munich Re Group Ambition 2025 will help us to elevate Munich Re to a new level of success.”

                                          Joachim Wenning, Chairman of the Board of Management of Munich Re

    Munich Re Group is aware of its responsibility and impact on sustainability as a large asset owner and investor, so ESG integration and ESG criteria have been key elements of the investment strategy for many years. Munich Re is continuously receiving good ESG-ratings from leading research agencies, and is included in a range of ESG and sustainability indices. It was one of the first companies to sign up to the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2006 and is a member of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance since 2020. To continue identifying risks and opportunities beyond the standard financial analysis, Munich Re Group is constantly developing its sustainable investment strategy in line with the latest scientific insights.

    Munich Re Investment Partners, as a specialised asset manager with a dedicated focus on climate investing is looking to seize the opportunities arising from climate transition.

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